How It Works.

KindGym® is a self-paced microlearning app, designed to give you a small piece of daily knowledge to deepen your emotional literacy and train your emotional muscles.

  • KindGym® is a microlearning app (for ages 12+) developed to help strengthen five emotional muscles: joy, trust, sadness, fear, and anger. In less than five minutes a day, you’ll train each emotional muscle through a variety of modalities including meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, emotional education, communication skills, movement, and more.

  • Microlearning is a way of delivering short content with a focused outcome, proven to support long-term retention by up to 80%. KindGym® uses microlearning to break down complex topics into short and easy components to match the working memory capacity and attention span of humans.

  • The KindGym® is for anyone who is interested in improving emotional regulation and personal purpose, by training their mind, body, and nervous system.

    Ages 12+

    • All genders

    • Companies and organizations, for a healthy workplace culture

    • High schools and universities, for emotionally resilient campuses

    • Athletic teams, for improved communication and goal achievement

  • The initial app offering is free. Future upgrades and in-app purchases can be purchased at a later time.

  • KindGym® is a self-paced microlearning app, designed to give you a small piece of daily knowledge to deepen your emotional literacy and train your EMs. You can expect 365 days of audio learning and activation exercises to equip you with tools for emotional regulation that can be applied to your everyday life.

  • No. While developed under the supervision and guidance of mental health professionals, KindGym® is not a substitute for therapy or counseling and is not a licensed therapy provider.