Building Your Emotional Muscles

Physical muscles aren't the only thing you can strengthen!

KindGym® is a free microlearning app from The Kindness Campaign that develops five emotional muscles. You can expect 365 days of audio learning and activation exercises to equip you with tools for emotional regulation that can be applied to your everyday life.

What Are the 5 Emotional Muscles?

Joy: Joy is our purpose emotion. Joy can withstand obstacles because no matter what life throws at us, we’re still connected to our reason for being here. That’s why cultivating joy is a deliberate process, because it requires us to look within and ask ourselves: “What’s my purpose? What are my values? And how can I best express them, each and every day?”

Trust: Trust is our safety emotion. Think of trust like a bridge: both sides are connected, sustained by feelings of safety and security. When we build a trust bridge with someone else, we have to care for it: it requires maintenance, so that we keep the connection strong.

Sadness: Sadness is our pause emotion. Unlike anger or fear, sadness reminds us of what’s precious. It’s an emotion of stillness, where we feel disappointed, grieve, or simply feel empty. Sadness is often called “the opposite of joy,” and can also arise when we feel a lack of purpose.

Fear: Fear is our go emotion, telling our bodies to run, take cover, or protect ourselves. But fear is also a fascinating teacher, shining a light on our personal history. When we face our fears in a healthy way, we grow in the process.

Anger: Anger is our justice emotion. We feel angry when we sense that something isn’t right, when we feel disrespected, hurt or frustrated. But anger can also be a teacher, illuminating things in our lives that aren’t working – and pushing us to make healthy shifts.